On May 9-10, 2022, a project meeting for the international educational project Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships "The Pathway to European Smart Education in the Agri-Environmental Law under the COVID-19 Crisis-EDULAW", no. 2020-1-SK01-KA226-HE-094316 was held. The host institution was the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa in Italy and the meeting was attended by representatives from all 8 partner institutions from Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. At the meeting, the partners presented the achieved partial results of Intellectual Outputs and discussed issues related to their implementation.
The innovative and original educational application InCreDi was introduced, which will enable students a distance form of education of legal courses in online as well as in offline form. The application will be available to users and will be used in the project for the purpose of teaching agri-environmental legislation in all partner countries.
The partners also presented their other project activities, which included mainly dissemination activities, monitoring and administrative issues.
As this was the first physical meeting of the partners since the beginning of the project due to the previous unfavorable pandemic situation, the meeting brought several ideas and suggestions resulting from the discussions.
The activities of the EDULAW project continue in the second half of 2022 and the partners plan, in addition to the professional part, to organize several events for the public with the aim of presenting and disseminating project results.