Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center (WODR) is a public organization established in 1999 after the unification of different advisory centers in the region (the first one established in 1957), and since 2016 runs directly under the ministry of development. WODR promotes and disseminates innovative services in agriculture related fields. In particular, the centre conducts agricultural advisory covering activities in such fields, including agriculture, rural development, agricultural markets and rural households, in order to improve the level of agricultural income and improving the market competitiveness of farms, to support the sustainable development of rural areas, as well as raising the level of professional skills of farmers and other inhabitants in rural areas.
WODR focuses on current economical, and technological analysis including required quality standards, environment and landscape protection, country and EU regulations. WODR advisors are the closest farmers and in daily contacts. Advisory Teams provide services by the use of various means such as trainings, direct advisory for farmers and rural inhabitants and activities in the area of financial aid granted by EU funds or national funds. Advisory Teams and the Exhibition Centres are the main organizers of massive popularising of knowhow for rural inhabitants and producers. The tasks for WODR include:
• facilitating the creation and functioning of a contact network between farmers, advisory bodies, research units, SME’s in the agrifood sector and other entities supporting the implementation of innovations in agriculture and rural areas,
• facilitating the exchange of expertise and good practices in the area of innovation in agriculture and rural areas,
• assistance in the creation of groups for innovation and assistance in the development of projects by operational groups and partnerships for innovation. WODR cooperate with other
Polish advisory regional centers, Chamber of Agriculture and advisory centers in Europe (as a part of EUFRAS).
WODR is a leader of agriculture advisory digitalization in Poland. We are leader of flagship ICT project called eDWIN that build polish advisory digital platform.