The Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers (AAEP) was registered on 15th May 2018 at the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. It is a civic non-profit organization established under Act no. 83/1990 Coll. as amended, and which associates both natural and legal persons. The purpose of the AAEP is to promote:
1. development of knowledge of agrarian and environmental law
2. exchange of experience, knowledge and information between lawyers dealing with agrarian and environmental law
3. meetings of members of the association
4. organization of seminars, conferences and workshops dedicated to specific areas of agrarian and environmental law
5. educational and scientific activities in the field of agrarian and environmental law
6. preparation and implementation of project activities in the field of agrarian and environmental law
7. scientific activity of students who show interest in agrarian and environmental law
AAEL was accepted as a full member of the European Council for Rural Law on 13th October 2018 (CEDR from the French title „Comité Européen de Droit Rurals“, established in 1957). It is a unique pan-European organization representing lawyers and experts working in the field of agrarian law.
As CEDR has a significant and specific consultative role in relation to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) as well as the role of the observer vis-à-vis the Council of Europe, which regularly provides advice and assistance to the EU institutions, the membership of AAEP in CEDR, reflects the quality and importance of the most important national associations in the EU as well as lawyers and experts from outside the EU working in the field of legal relations in agriculture and rural areas.
At presence, AAEP has 25 active members: lawyers, environmentalists, economists, university teachers, researchers and IT specialists. Despite of its short existence, the AAEP is active in various directions: realization of EU projects (Jean Monnet and Strategic Partnership), organization of online webinars, organization of other scientific events, cooperation with universities and other professional institutions, etc.